Source code for issho.helpers

import os
import socket
from pathlib import Path

import keyring
import paramiko

[docs]def absolute_path(raw_path): """ Gets the string absolute path from a path object or string. :param raw_path: a string or ``pathlib.Path`` object """ if not isinstance(raw_path, Path): raw_path = Path(raw_path) return str(raw_path.expanduser())
[docs]def default_sftp_path(this_path, default_path): """ If ``this_path`` exists, return it as a path, else, return the ```` of the default path """ return Path(this_path) if this_path else Path(Path(default_path).name)
[docs]def able_to_connect(host, port, timeout=1.5): """ Returns true if it is possible to connect to the specified host and port, within the given timeout in seconds. """ try: sock = socket.socket() sock.settimeout(timeout) sock.connect((host, port)) except Exception as e: return False return True
[docs]def get_pkey(key_path): """ Helper for getting an RSA key """ key_file = absolute_path(key_path) return paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file( key_file, password=keyring.get_password(issho_ssh_pw_name(key_file), key_file) )
[docs]def issho_pw_name(pw_type, profile): """ Helper for standardizing password names """ return "issho_{}_{}".format(pw_type, profile)
[docs]def issho_ssh_pw_name(rsa_id): """ Helper for standardizing ssh password names """ return "issho_ssh_{}".format( "".join(ch for ch in absolute_path(rsa_id) if ch.isalnum()) )
[docs]def get_user(): return os.environ.get("USER")
[docs]def clean_spark_options(spark_options): new_spark_options = {} for k, v in spark_options.items(): if not k.startswith("--"): k = "--{}".format(k) new_spark_options[k.replace("_", "-")] = v return new_spark_options
[docs]def add_arguments_to_cmd(cmd, *args): if not args: return cmd else: string_args = " ".join(map(str, args)) return "{} {}".format(cmd, string_args)