Source code for issho.cli

from prompt_toolkit import prompt
import keyring
from issho.config import (
from issho.helpers import issho_pw_name, issho_ssh_pw_name, absolute_path, get_user
from collections import OrderedDict
from issho.issho import Issho
import fire
import re

Paramiko v2.4.0 does not allow OpenSSH RSA key format (common on new Macs);
Create your ssh key using:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" -m PEM

ENV_PROMPTS = OrderedDict(
        ("HIVE_OPTS", "Hive Options: "),
        ("HIVE_JDBC", "Hive JDBC connection string: "),
        ("SPARK_CONF", "Spark Shell Configuration String: "),

[docs]class IsshoCLI: """ CLI for Issho; right now only used for configuration """
[docs] def config( self, profile, env=None, ssh_profile="", ssh_config="~/.ssh/config", rsa_id="~/.ssh/id_rsa", ): """ Configures a single issho profile. Saves non-private variables to ``~/.issho/conf.toml`` and passwords to the local keyring. :param profile: name of the profile to configure :param env: Optional environment variable profile to draw from. :param ssh_profile: The name of the associated ssh config profile; defaults to the profile name if not supplied. :param ssh_config: the path to the ssh_config to be used for this profile :param rsa_id: the path to the id_rsa file to be used for this profile """ local_user = get_user() ssh_profile = profile if not ssh_profile else profile rsa_id = absolute_path(rsa_id) ssh_config = absolute_path(ssh_config) env = read_issho_env(env) if env else {} ssh_conf = read_ssh_profile(ssh_config, ssh_profile) if not all(x in ssh_conf for x in ("hostname", "user")): raise KeyError() if not keyring.get_password(issho_ssh_pw_name(rsa_id), rsa_id): _set_up_ssh_password(rsa_id=rsa_id) kinit_was_setup = _set_up_password( pw_type="kinit", profile=profile, pw_user=local_user ) new_conf = { "SSH_CONFIG_PATH": ssh_config, "RSA_ID_PATH": rsa_id, **_get_env_vars(env), } write_issho_conf({profile: new_conf}) self.test_connection(profile, kinit=kinit_was_setup)
@staticmethod def env(env_name): """ Saves a set of variables to ~/.issho/envs.toml :param env_name: name of the environment to set up or update """ env_conf = {env_name: _get_env_vars({})} write_issho_env(env_conf) return env_conf
[docs] @staticmethod def env(env_name): """ Saves a set of variables to ~/.issho/envs.toml :param env_name: name of the environment to set up or update """ env_conf = {env_name: _get_env_vars({})} write_issho_env(env_conf) return env_conf
[docs] @staticmethod def update_variable(profile, variable, value): """ Updates or add a single profile variable. """ old_conf = read_issho_conf(profile) old_conf[variable] = value write_issho_conf({profile: old_conf})
[docs] @staticmethod def test_connection(profile, kinit=True): """ Tests the connection to the specified :param profile: The name of the profile :param kinit: if True, will try to kinit using the stored password :return: """ try: test_issho = Issho(profile, kinit) except Exception as e: return "Test Connection failed with error: {}".format(str(e)) return "Test Connection Successful!"
def _get_env_vars(env): """ Gets the set of parameters described in ENV_PROMPTS using a pre-existing environment env if it exists :param env: a dictionary containing previously-set environment variables :return: """ return { var_name: env.get(var_name) if var_name in env else prompt(prompt_str) for var_name, prompt_str in ENV_PROMPTS.items() } def _get_pw(pw_type): """ Gets a password using the prompt toolkit """ while True: pw = prompt("Enter the {} password: ".format(pw_type), is_password=True) if not pw: break pw2 = prompt("Enter the {} password again: ".format(pw_type), is_password=True) if pw != pw2: print("The passwords do not match; try again") else: return pw def _keep_old_password(pw_type, pw_name, pw_user): """ :return True to keep the old password, False to reset """ if keyring.get_password(pw_name, pw_user): new_pw_prompt = ( "A {} password exists for {}--do you want to set a new password (y/N)? " ) reset_password = prompt(new_pw_prompt.format(pw_type, pw_user)) return (not reset_password) or ( not reset_password.strip().lower().startswith("y") ) return False def _set_up_password(pw_type, profile, pw_user): """ Gets an issho password for this profile and saves it to the local keyring. """ pw_name = issho_pw_name(pw_type=pw_type, profile=profile) if _keep_old_password(pw_type, pw_name, pw_user): return True if keyring.get_password(pw_name, pw_user) else False else: pw = _get_pw(pw_type=pw_type) keyring.set_password(pw_name, pw_user, pw) return True if pw else False def _set_up_ssh_password(rsa_id): """ Adds the ssh password to the local keyring. """ _check_not_openssh_pkey(rsa_id) pw = _get_pw(pw_type="ssh") pw_name = issho_ssh_pw_name(rsa_id=rsa_id) keyring.set_password(pw_name, rsa_id, pw) return True if pw else False def _check_not_openssh_pkey(rsa_id): with open(rsa_id) as f: if"OPENSSH", f.readline()): raise ValueError(OPENSSH_PASSWORD_ERROR)
[docs]def main(): """ Inititates the CLI using python-fire """ fire.Fire(IsshoCLI)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()